Idris 0.99

Idris is a functional programming language that continues to evolve.  We’re always interested in new, up and coming languages and decided to look a little deeper into Idris.

Idris – a general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types.  Language relatives include Haskell and OCaml.

Platforms supported:  Mac OSx, Windows, Ubuntu, and Debian.

Documentation though still in development is available and can be found here:

Downloaded Idris version 0.99 for Windows.  IDRIS binary builds are available for Windows 64-bit and Windows 32-bit

Editor:  SublimeText3 (installed Idris language support)

Editor support provided for Emacs, Vim, Sublime, and Atom

If you install this on your Windows machine, remember to add the location of the IDRIS.exe file to your PATH.

Taking IDRIS for a test driveThe Idris Tutorial

In the traditional manner of most languages we successfully printed “Hello world!” using Idris.


The program was entered exactly as shown above and then compiled at the command prompt using:  idris hello.idr -o hello

This creates hello.exe that when entered at the prompt prints:  Hello world.


Idris also supports an Interactive Environment.  Details on this and more are available from the Idris Tutorial

We’ll save more discussion on Idris for a future post.  Another potentially new and exciting language awaits us.

Remember, Code begins with “C

vergence-logo-square-e1388368184851External references:

The Haskell Tool Stack:  Cross-platform program for developing Haskell projects.


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